Monday, October 18, 2010

A Heartbeat That Melts Hearts

Can I just say that you are the cutest baby EVER?! Just look at you!!! I can't stop...

When Thursday finally came I was equally excited and nervous. I was thrilled the day had finally come that I could see you, but nervous that they would find something wrong and my happiness would abruptly end. Hormones were in full swing on my way to the appointment because I started crying and could not stop! Even though I knew things would be ok no matter what the outcome, I still felt like ignorance would be bliss if something was wrong. Having just a few more days thinking you were developing happily, even if I was wrong, seemed much better than the alternative. Thank God "the alternative" turned out to be just that!
I thought I was going to throw up when the ultrasound machine was turned on. But the picture showed up on the screen and I could immediately see your adorable blob-ish form. I breathed a half sigh of relief knowing that hearing your heartbeat was the next step to finally putting my mind at ease. The volume wasn't turned on yet, but I could see your heart pumping away... I didn't want to get too excited yet just in case I was seeing things, but when the nurse turned on the volume I finally heard what I had anxiously been waiting weeks for. Your healthy heartbeat was like heavenly music to my ears... 167 beats per minute... The most amazing sound on earth! Of course you know I started bawling when I heard it because the relief and love that washed over me was completely unbearable. Through tear-filled eyes and words I somehow managed to apologize to the nurse for being so hormonal, and she just smirked and said, "Your reaction is very normal! You'd be surprised how many mommies cry in this moment :) " - It made me feel a little less dumb! Daddy was there holding my hand the whole time and he also fell in love with you and the sound of your beating heart.

After we knew you were ok the nurse started taking measurements and pictures for us to take home. You measured in perfectly at 8 weeks 3 days - right on time with your due date! You had a little bit of a tail still (which is normal, don't worry... It'll go away in the next few weeks). We also found something else..... THE NAUSEA BUTTON!!!

Just kidding... That's actually your yolk sac, but you could have fooled me ;)

You were either taking a nap or you knew we were taking pictures of you because you just sat there while we marveled at your form. Such a good little baby already! We could have watched you for days, but of course the ultrasound only lasted a few minutes. We won't get to see you again until you're 20 weeks old, when we'll find out if you are a boy or a girl! I have a gut feeling you're a boy because male first borns run in your Daddy's family, but I'll be happy whether I'm right or wrong! Until we get to see you again the doctor will monitor you by listening to your heartbeat on a doppler. Daddy and I are looking into getting a home version of a doppler so we can listen to you any time we want as well. I think it would be neat to record your heartbeat so you can someday hear the sound that fills our hearts with more love than we ever thought possible.
You have so many people loving you and praying for you already. The next time we see you you'll look more like a baby than a gummy bear, but no matter what you look like you are the most adorable creature I've ever laid eyes on...
I love you always!

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