Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pink or Blue?

We are finally in the second trimester! It felt like it would never get here, but here we are... I keep waiting for that famed second trimester burst of energy to show up but it's nowhere to be found. I'm still having trouble keeping my eyes open past 7:30 at night, but the good news is that at least the nausea is now almost completely gone! I feel sick about once a week or so, but I would rather deal with that than non-stop every single day. Still no appetite really aside from sweet things. Daddy cooks dinner and I try to eat it, but usually end up hunting down some Raisin Bran or something. At least you don't crave candy...

Last week was your first Thanksgiving! We went over to my parents' house and ate until we were in a turkey coma. I know you were in one because you sat still for about 5 minutes and let us listen to your heart. Your grandfather hooked the doppler up to the stereo system so we got to hear you thumping away practically in surround sound. It was very cool! You also made it very well known that you were tired of me wearing my regular pants and were ready for me to move into something a little more stretchy. You're the size of an apple now (of course everything surrounding/protecting you feels 3x that size) so it was definitely time. I started feeling what felt like a goldfish doing flips inside when I sat in a position that was least stretchy in my pants. I figured it was just all the yummy Thanksgiving food digesting at first, but then it started getting stronger and more constant each day.

I listened with the doppler a few days ago to try to confirm it was you moving around - and it was! I would find your heartbeat, then feel the "goldfish" while hearing a swooshing sound, then your heartbeat would be gone. I got so excited when I realized it really WAS you. You're starting to get big enough now that I can also sense where you are in my tummy. That makes it much easier to find you and I'm glad for it. I know soon I'll definitely be able to tell where you are since you'll probably be kicking me in the ribs. Your kicking and flailing around is very important though since it helps you develop your muscles, so kick anything you want! I would appreciate if you could avoid my bladder though. ;)

Daddy took me shopping over the weekend so we could get some new clothes that wouldn't squish you so much. They were much needed and you seem to be much happier now that you have room to swim around. I feel you sporadically through the day but almost always right after I finish eating. I guess the food gives you a burst of energy. I'll have to make sure I eat something light and drink some orange juice on Friday afternoon because we are scheduled for an ultrasound to find out if you're a little boy or a little girl! If you're napping and/or are feeling shy it may be a waste of time... Luckily they will let us come back for free if they're unsuccessful in finding out the first time. We need a shot of you from the underside with your legs wide open. Think you can pull that off for a few minutes for us? We would really love to stop calling you "it" and actually give you a name, so it would be great if you could!

People always say that you never fully appreciate/understand your parents until you have children of your own. I'm sure there's some major truth in that statement because I'm already feeling a lot more respect and love for my parents and you haven't even started crying yet. In addition to that I'm also feeling a lot more respect and love for God. Having you has given me a new perspective on how He loves each and every one of us. Christmas is coming up which is even more of a reminder of how much He loves us. He sent his other son, Jesus, to die so that we wouldn't have to be separated from Him. I can't even imagine willingly sending you into harms way no matter what the purpose. I shield my tummy every time the dog jumps up on the bed for crying out loud. It's almost unfathomable to think about the fact that He longs to be with us so much that He would suffer through such a sacrifice. We're going to teach you all about God as you grow up and I pray already that you never take Him for granted. He's your true Parent and Daddy and I hope you will see that and never think otherwise.

...and no, that's not a free pass for you to tell us, "You're not my parents!" and misbehave when you're a teenager ;)

I love you always!


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