Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kung Fu Fetus

I have seriously slacked on the updates for the past several months... I blame it partially on pure exhaustion, and partially on the fact that we lost internet access for a while. Mainly on the exhaustion though. For the sake of time and the aforementioned lack of energy, I'm just going to make a list of the highlights from the past few months:


- Valentine's Day... Your Daddy spoiled me rotten and then we went to the cell phone store to change our plan which saved us $100/month!

- We traded in our car for a "Sophie Mobile"... It's a Jeep SUV with plenty of room for you, AND it saved us $100/month!
- Now we can afford diapers!


- Finally hit the third tri-mester! Hellooooo beached whale sensation!

- Daddy and I took a trip (babymoon) to Tennessee so we could have one last getaway before your arrival. We rented a cabin which ended up being cheaper than a hotel room, saw and fed some live bears, went gem mining, and made you a stuffed bunny at a "build-a-bear" type place. We also sat through a timeshare presentation after being promised a nice cash reward for doing so - which paid for half the trip.


- Daddy and I had our 2nd wedding anniversary (4th "dating anniversary") and celebrated by renewing our vows at the same spot where we got married.

- At 32 weeks we got to see you via 3D ultrasound looking like an actual human baby for the first time, complete with chubby cheeks and flowing hair! The most adorable baby ever, if I do say so myself... It looks like you have my nose and cheeks, and your Daddy's mouth and ears.

- Your Aunt Sarah and Uncle Kyle got married!!! You were part of their wedding without even knowing it... ;)

- March/April is tornado season in our neck of the woods, so you've already been through 2 nights of hiding out in the basement. I actually had to take a bucket with me the last time to use as a toilet since my bladder is still your favorite toy.

- I had an episode of false labor (contractions 7 minutes apart for 8 hours straight) at 35 weeks which caused the doctor to put me on partial bedrest. I'm now working from home 2 days a week which does help me cope with everything. At 36 weeks we figured out the constant, severe pain I was having in my lower tummy was actually caused by cartilage tearing since you were growing so much. The doc ordered another ultrasound to check your growth and prescribed a brace for me (which I lovingly nicknamed my "belly bra") to help with the pain. The ultrasound showed you were already weighing in at 7 pounds... Still in the normal range, but at the very high end of it ;) The good news is that your head measured small so I'm hoping you'll be easy to squeeze out!

That pretty much brings us up to date. My birthday was 2 days ago and I was really hoping you would decide to come early and share your birthday with me... But you didn't. You hit 37 weeks yesterday and are now considered full term! Woo hoo!!! That means you're pretty much doing nothing else in there except packing on the pounds - all your systems are developed and you're practicing using them as much as you're able to. Your lungs, for example, are getting lots of practice lately. I can tell because you get the hiccups at least once a day! You're still stretching your muscles too because your activity has become incredibly obvious. You like to play with Daddy at night by kicking his hand in response to him poking you (which he can now not only feel but also see, and he is thrilled about it!)... and sometimes you'll put your tush "in the air" and start bouncing around until I rub/pat it to soothe you. If I stop you just start bouncing again... Little goofball :) Sometimes I swear you're practicing some form of martial arts in there. Just a few days ago you stuck your foot out so far I could actually grab it! Of course you retracted it almost immediately when I did...

We are visiting the doctor once a week now and were really hoping to hear at our 37 week appointment yesterday that labor was starting to progress and you were on your way to meet us soon. Not so much. Instead, we heard, "I'd really like to tell you some good news, but the truth is there is absolutely nothing going on in there! You are not dialated AT ALL." - As if the doctor poking me all over to feel your progress wasn't painful enough, that statement just added salt to the wound. I know you have a few weeks left to make it to the typical 40 week mark, but seeing as I literally can't even get out of bed without rocking back and forth a couple times to gain the momentum to sit up, I was hoping you might follow the family tradition of coming early. It doesn't look like that's going to happen so I'm just trying to "enjoy" (A.K.A. "not cry every night") these last few weeks.

I know God will help us get through this incredibly uncomfortable stage and you'll be here before we know it. Really, I know that. I know it very well since I remind myself of it at least a dozen times a day ;) But whenever you are ready to come out and meet us, we will be here ready and waiting. We have a nice space prepared for you (that Daddy decorated) that I'm sure you'll love. I can't guarantee you'll spend much time in there at first though since my arms will be hogging you, but I promise those are comfortable too...

I love you always!



Friday, January 21, 2011

Mommy's Trampoline

You have finally "popped" my tummy out so I'm starting to actually look pregnant instead of looking like I just ate too many donuts. Hooray! You're also getting big enough that I can feel you bouncing around pretty constantly. It's still pretty difficult to feel you from the outside, but you're trying - especially when Daddy talks to you. Last night was the first time I could noticeably feel you respond to his voice and try to kick his hand. It was VERY obvious to me but I guess it's still a little too subtle for him to pick it up from the outside. Oh well... In a few more weeks you'll have some more power behind your punches so I'm sure he'll get to feel you soon :)

It's pretty funny that you're moving so much now because you were interested in nothing but sleep during your Anatomy Scan a couple weeks ago. What should have been a 30 minute exam turned into 50 minutes because you were stubbornly refusing to move at all until the very end. Daddy and I didn't mind getting to see you for an extra 20 minutes, but the poor tech's arm was about to fall off. We tried everything we could to wake you up... shaking my tummy, talking to you, etc... But ultimately it was my bladder filling up that got you to budge. You had your head behind my belly button the whole time (which is impossible for an u/s machine to go through) but as soon as I felt like I had to make a run to the ladies' room you came to life! We got video of you - 2D and 3D - so there is proof that you really like to treat my bladder like a trampoline. You started jumping on it over and over and even had your mouth wide open while doing it like you were smiling and having the time of your life. I'm glad I can provide some entertainment for you while you're in there, but let's make a deal that we'll only play on Mommy's "trampoline" once a day, ok?

Some great news is that I've finally found the miracle cure for all the heartburn you've been giving me. Zantac! I would really like to find the creators of it and give them a big hug. I haven't had a single Tum in a week because all I have to do is take one Zantac in the morning and I'm good all day long ***insert hallelujah chorus here***. I have had some other interesting pregnancy side effects though. Feels like every time I get something resolved something else at least semi-miserable pops up. I love you, and I love that God is allowing me to be the vessle to "build" you, but in all honesty I cannot WAIT for you to be here! I'm having trouble understanding why so many women tell me they "enjoyed their pregnancy so much and miss it". Don't get me wrong... I know how blessed I am and I'm not in any way complaining about your presence inside me - it's just getting very taxing to live with the side effects of your presence inside me!

One of those newly discovered side effects is the fact that my body now sporadically decides to hold bowl movements hostage. "Gross, Mom!" - I know. But this blog is a record of my experiences with you, good and bad. This just happens to be one of the really evil ones, and since you're a girl and may very well experience this yourself in the future (distant, distant future!) I feel it's only fair to forewarn you. A couple weeks ago I literally thought I was going to die from the aforementioned hostage situation. I took some Colace, drank a ton of water, ate some fiber... and finally... after 8 hours of labor I finally gave birth to said BM. When I say "gave birth" I literally mean that's what it felt like - or at least what I imagine giving birth will feel like. The experience was complete with me crying and screaming at your Daddy like something out of a horror movie if he even tried to come into the bathroom. He was terrified. I discussed this problem with the doctor and she told me it would be safe to take a preventive Colace daily as long as I was still taking my vitamins. Thank. God.

I love you always!
